Anybody tried neutrogena's acne mark fading peel

« ...Saturated fat intake causing the build up of cholesterol in capillaries, the small veins in your skin. Without giving enough oxygen to it, your skin becomes oily and easy to attract dirt, causing acne. To avoid this, you should substitute your red meat intake by 4- 8 servings every week with fish. They not only have good sources of protein as meat but also guards against the cholesterol build up in small veins in your skin....
...Dermabration: This is an effective technique especially for raised scars. It however a painful process as it involves the use a fast rotating brush in removing the top layer of the skin and scar. It involves a long recovery time....»
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«...Acne and blemishes are the skin curse of many people around the world; however, medical science continues to look at new remedies. Due to the widespread nature of this condition, scientific research into this area is intense; now, some of these skin conditions are gradually being conquered. There are a broad range of acne skin care products available, including over the counter treatments and doctor prescriptions....»
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tags: home remedies for acne scar removal, use of tomato oil on skin care as anti acne, lemon oil for use with hormonal acne