...The first thing you need to do to successfully cure your acne is discover the cause. You will cure your skin condition the quickest if you think yours is caused by a poor diet. Just changing your diet to one filled with nutritious foods will show an improvement in your skin within days....»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
«...Cystic This type is very common and caused by squeezing, picking or pinching small acne filled with pus. These activities makes the pus inside the cyst to burst deep inside the tissue of the skin and results in to a body mechanism that sends white blood cells to the affected area and these cells work towards fighting off bacteria. Cystic acne also results in a lot of swelling and deep rooted inflammation that ultimately results in pain....»
Full Text: http://how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
tags: is there a link between acne and hormonal imbalance, at home acne facials, herbs treat acne